Beware! Your perfect poise and postures might be in peril!
Don’t forget, it is the first day of April!

Illustration:Three monkey friends set to celebrate Fool's Day on 1st April.
1st April: Fool's Day Celebrating Monkeys!
Beware of people playing tricks with you!
Their words might be an open ball of the wool!
To tangle you in the lies of pranks and later tease you saying,
‘April Fool! April Fool! April Fool!'
Beware of people giving you a shock!
Don’t let them make you fool, else…
You will feel embarrassed, and others will rock!
However, you tease someone or get teased!
It will spread the laughter and joy around, at least!
Which seem two of the lost species!
Tough to be found, impossible to win,
Even after paying any bigger fees!
Thanks to the events like April Fools’ Day!
Younger or the elder, we all can become a child,
Keeping all the day-to-day worries at bay!
But also beware while playing the game of prank or betray!
Don’t forget your limits, leading yourself to go astray!
Be merciful when you play your card;
And don’t forget to keep your cool!
Be watchful when you select your tool,
While choosing your strategy, to make someone a fool!
All the do’s and don’ts apart,
I love this day, for I love a childish heart!
I love the joy, the light atmosphere, and those laughs!
It’s not about making fun ‘OF’ others,
It’s about making fun ‘WITH’ others!
It’s also about ‘living’ moments with others!
I often wonder and think…
What keeps a kid carefree and happy?!
Is it the way they make a fuss;
Or their attitude of living the life of a hippy?!
What makes them enjoy their life, no matter what?!
Or it is because of the absence of any to-do list or strategic chart;
Or not caring about anything or anyone around is their prime dart?!
They live like a free spirit. They smile, enjoy, and jump;
Sometimes they irritate too, but still, they appear so lovely, so cute!
I also get inspire and think…
It’s good to get motivation from the monkeys or a chump!
It’s indeed wonderful to do what makes you feel good,
Doesn’t matter it is singing, dancing, or you have to jump!
Instead of becoming boring and numb,
It’s good to be cheering and dumb!
Let the world see you from its wicked and judgmental eyes!
Just move and go ahead, and never give up on those silly tries!
It’s good to have fun and live life,
Regardless of the time and the situations!
After all, don’t we deserve to be in peace and joy?
Despite the circumstances and the conditions!
Let’s start making every moment memorable!
Let’s add some madness to our lives, making it commendable!
Let’s kick start our fun-bike this 1st of the month, April Fool’s Day!
Forget the New Year, festival, or a good day for doing it!
Why wait for a specific day for soaking that light or the happy ray?
Now is the time, make your life adventurous!
Be cheerful! Be fabulous!
Be innovative! Be tremendous!
Be a soul that never feels fatigue in celebrating every moment!
Let it roar louder than the world; don’t halt that torrent!
Live! Love! Laugh!
Keep your spirits high, and fly high your heart’s craft!
April Fool Cartoon, monkey Cartoons, April fool day Cartoon Punch, Cartoon illustration of celebrating monkeys, fool's day celebration
Original File Details
About Cartoon Image: Original File Details
Day and Date of Publishing: Monday, April 1, 2019
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 144 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG