Among humans, a lady is the favorite of all,
Especially when someone addresses his or her “Mummy”,
The same way, lady finger is the choice of all,
Especially if a kid is choosing for filling his or her tummy!

Illustration: A lady-like Lady finger is walking the ramp of a beautiful farm in spotlight of sun raises!
Lady Finger
It’s picnic, main course, ordinary dinner or lunch box,
Lady finger is one of the most preferred options,
Yes, she always rocks!
When it’s about giving the preference,
And the choices are available…
You talk about a queue for some safety purpose,
Or going to offer a seat when the situation is rigorous,
It’s about proffering an advice, help or opinion,
Or the matter is quenching the thirst,
There is a famous dialogue for all, which is,
“Ladies first”!
“Ladies first”!
“Ladies first”!
The Kids follow the same tagline,
When the other options with the lady finger are…
Peas, bottle gourd, and pumpkin in prime!
Well, why she gets a prior chance?
Why she is given preference?
Does she lack in any ability?
Or she possesses lesser in her kitty?
No she is not the weaker one,
She weighs a ton, you talk about…
Strength, talent, skills or intelligence!
Nor she is underprivileged,
She performs superbly with a vengeance!
She is nowhere behind, you give her whatever challenge…
Singing, sports, cooking or dance!
She has proved her in all, whenever given a chance!
Then why she is given the priority,
You go in whatsoever city?!
What is that where she is lacking?
Or it is done out of a feeling of pity?
It’s done because of her deeds and sacrifices!
It’s nothing but a gesture of respect,
And sometimes to make a good impact!
And why not, after all, she does so much!
When she cooks, her hands define the taste,
In life, she helps in filling the hues,
She brings encouragement, motivation, and optimism,
And removes whatever is waste!
The lady finger cuts herself, lady human cuts her wishes,
One let you savor, the other defines the flavor,
One decor the fridge rows, the other manages the shelf!
One aids in coloring, the other fills colors itself,
One inspires eating, the other inspires living,
One is known for filling, the other boosts life making it thrilling!
What a relation these two ladies share!
One is dedicated to health and other to love and care!
Lady Finger Cartoon, lady-like lady finger Cartoon Punch, Cartoon illustration of lady finger with poetry, vegetable lady cartoon, lady finger in farm, poem on lady finger and lady human
About Cartoon Image: Original File Details
Day and Date of Publishing: Tuesday, August 28, 2018
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 113 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG