Yesterday night I saw a dream!
A girl was running fast in dark night!
And suddenly there came a gleam!

Illustration:A cartoon illustration of sleeper shoe with yawning expression and a lens is zooming out its tiny cells!
Sleeper Cells
Beating all the dark and leaving her bare feet,
Welcoming a mild storm, the bright took away her sleepers being control freak!
The breeze sprinkled the fragrance of wet soil,
There were autumn leaves scattered all around the street!
It seemed the clouds were about to drench the surrounding!
Everything was pretty mysterious and amazingly astounding!
With a clap of thunder the light roared loud!
It appeared as if the nature played trumpets after its hard-fought!
No one could deny the pleasure of witnessing that regal sight!
For unveiling the mysteries, it looked bushy tailed and bright eyed!
Suddenly her sleepers came into light!
They were unaffected by whatever was happening there!
One of them yawned and pleaded to use the spare pair!
It was getting tough for it to wake up as it was its sleeping time!
It was not at all in mood to sync with her feet and match to her rhyme!
The girl was shocked by their unsupportive attitude!
As they had never denied before to be her companion!
She got scared what if they leave her in between; she was damn addicted of them!
Even she hadn’t realized before how strong was her obsession!
She doubted on them whether they were her pairs or their twin!
So for testing them, she used the lenses for checking out its cells that were pretty thin!
They yawned again and were now about to sleep!
She yelled at them ‘wake up!’…’wake up!’
But their sleep was not ready for a break up!
Her voice raised its tone to a higher pitch!
She was not ready to take it sportingly,
She yelled again, ‘Wake up, you cannot ditch!’
This time the voice reached at the highest peak!
It was such a strong shriek!
As if the ear-drums were about to burst!
So my sleep!
I found my sleeper shoes next to my bed as soon as I opened my eyes!
It was actually my mom’s voice that was raising its pitch!
I wondered what if our shoes could really speak and we had to walk as per their wish!
Sleeper cells Cartoon, sleeper shoes Cartoon, sleepers cartoon, sleeper cells Cartoon Punch, Cartoon illustration of sleeper cells, sleeper cell illustration, sleeper cell image, sleeper cells poem, poetry on sleepers, dream illustration, shoes in dream, illogical tale, story, fiction, dream tale
About Cartoon Image: Original File Details
Day and Date of Publishing: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 58.1 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG