Ice Cream Treat!

You get nothing in your hand,
When Life plays its game!
It knows how to excite us,
And how to tame!

Boy and girl Ice Cream treat at restaurant table cartoons by cartoonist Sneha
Ice-cream treat!
Illustration: Ice boy and cream girl having treat on booked table at a restaurant!

Ice-Cream Treat!

Sometimes you find you at your best place!
The moment you feel, you have met the success,
Life suddenly pushes you towards another chase,
Why can’t we maintain the peace in within?
And can’t live without being a part of rat race?
We feel ourselves like small fish in river!
Sometimes we fight back, sometimes rest our case!

How beautifully God has made the recipe of emotions!
There is sweetness, bitterness, sourness and every other type of flavor!
They play the poison; they also play the potions!

Emotions lead us to drain,
Sometimes from happiness and sometimes from rain!
You can’t get rid of them for even a single second!
They 24/7 run like ongoing train!

What saves in life are: friends, family and supporters,
What makes you stand back are: dreams, passions and criticizers!

Why so much chaos, why so much drama?
Why happiness plays hide and seek? Why there is miasma?

Let’s live a simple life and remove the dizziness!
Let’s break all the rules and fill our lives with easiness!

Let’s celebrate every moment,
And compel the sorrows to stay behind!
We will remain always positive,
That way let’s frame our minds!

If someone is sad, share your smile!
Help him to close that life’s bad chapter,
And in opening new file!

If life brings the tangled riddles,
Don’t fight hard to penetrate!
Life finds its ways itself,
You don’t need to bother and agitate!
Rejoice in even your bad, tough times!
Have faith in Lord and meditate!
Whatever comes, face with grace!
Don’t stop to celebrate!

Be a part of every get together!
Give and take big and small bashes!
Don’t you like to enjoy and have fun? Rather!

The party is held at a home, restaurant or on street,
Who doesn’t want to be a part of Ice-cream treat?!


Ice cream Cartoon, Cartoon Punch, girl cream, Ice man, treat Cartoon, Icecream, Cartoons Punch, Ice cream Cartoon illustration, Ice boy, cream girl, Ice cream party, Restaurant table, boy and girl on date, bash

About Cartoon Image: Original File Details

Category:Food Cartoon
Day and Date of Publishing: Tuesday, November 29, 2016
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 74.0 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG

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