Illustration:Moon walking in woolen cap and socks on clouds in winter season's midnight!
A Mesmerizing Moon Walk
When a moon came out to walk;
Looking like a perfect round curve,
As if made of a magical white chalk!
The clouds turned soft carpets.
The star bulbs brightened the night,
Without any electric circuits!
The winter seemed freaking cozy,
Perking up the moods,
Making others feeling dozy!
Wearing a woolen cap crown,
Enjoying the warmth and sprinkling the charm,
Being completely bogged down!
It also donned the beautiful pink socks.
Humming the favorite tracks,
All set to rock all the rocks!
What a glory!
Sheer bliss and airy fairy!
Passing the cloud dune…
Once in a blue moon!
On a most melodious happy tune!
It’s time to show off!
Leaving behind all the reasons to balk,
Presenting you all ladies and gentleman…
A breath taking Moon Walk!
Moon Cartoon, dance form, moon walking, woolen cap, wooen socks, winter season, winter weather, cute moon, pleasant night, moon stars, winter night, stars in sky, Cartoons, Cartoon Punch, Cartoons Punch, moon walk dance, moon Cartoon illustration
About Cartoon Image: Original File Details
Category:Moon Cartoon, Dance style cartoon
Day and Date of Publishing: Monday, November 21, 2016
File Dimension: 1200 by 675 Pixels
File Size: 80.3 KB
MIME Type: Image/JPG